Sunday, October 20, 2013

Everything I have learned

                                      What I have learned as a Trustee

    Never give up – if you truly believe in someone or an idea they deserve your best effort . This will usually take more than one try.

  The board Retreat needs to be renamed – it is not a holiday or the backing away from a fight like the name says. It is a full day or two of very open and insightful conversation and data of where our district is and where we should go.

Everyone has wisdom- sometimes this is not clear at fira st  but it is true.

Coffee and carbs are not your friend – once in a while yes , but not many times especially when you are into hour 8 of any kind of meeting, resist the urge to indulge .

There are many unsung hero’s in this district – unfortunately most of the media attention goes to those negative news stories . But I learned quickly the hero’s are numerous  , and they do it without press or congratulations . Thank you to all our hero’s.

One person is not the board. We work as a team.

     We are not an island – someone is always watching or listening. You should do what you do because it is right whether you think someone is watching or not. I wish more people and press would attend the board meetings to see and hear first hand what goes on.

    The position of trustee is a privilege not a right- it has been a huge honor to have served this community for 9 years. I will always treasure this experience .

    The best ideas do not come from the board room – talking to those in the schools and the community is the best places to find solutions. The board room gives the “ how to ” after the idea has landed.

 The position is just not twice a month  meetings – there are weekends away, events and commitments during the day and night, plus phone calls and email.

Red Deer Public is the best district – that does not mean we stop and rest on our past performances , we keep striving to be the best we can be. This district if full of so many people that care and who are excellent at what they do for the students every day , all year long.

 There are many kinds of leaders – there are those that only have it in their title , but there are many more that are servant leaders and inspire many to follow.

The right choice is not always the most popular choice. Do not let that stop you.

The only one that likes change is a wet baby.

        Since this a political position most of the poem “ All I really need to know I learned in Kindergarten”  by Robert Fulghum applies .

 Like Share everything. Clean up your own mess. Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
 Live a balanced life - learn some and think some
and draw and paint and sing and dance and play 
and work every day some. Everything you need to know is in there somewhere. 
The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation.
Ecology and politics and equality and sane living. 

Take any of those items and extrapolate it into 
sophisticated adult terms and apply it to your 
family life or your work or your government or
your world and it holds true and clear and firm. 
Think what a better world it would be if 
all - the whole world - had cookies and milk about 
three o'clock every afternoon and then lay down with
our blankies for a nap. Or if all governments 
had a basic policy to always put thing back where 
they found them and to clean up their own mess. 

And it is still true, no matter how old you
are - when you go out into the world, it is best 
to hold hands and stick together.

Yes most of these I knew before , but some of them became more true as a Trustee. It has been truly an honor and a privilege to serve my community as a Trustee, and I hope I have the opportunity to continue . Thank you to all those that have supported and encouraged me throughout these past 9 years. You are all very special to me in so many ways.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Are we just maybe doing something right

 Today I want to share with you some information that was in the Fall newsletter from the Canadian School Board Association.
The OECD ( Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ) has just published " Education at a Glance"  having completed a study involving 43 countries

Here are some interesting findings

1. Canada is one of the most educated countries. : the rate of college/university attainment in Canada has risen by 11% since 2000 and at 51%, is significantly higher than other OECD countries ( the average being 32%)

2. Education is insurance against unemployment : the chances of being unemployed are cut in half with a secondary or post secondary education.

3. Public funding of education in Canada is not as high as in other countries : Public funding of education accounted for 76% of total funding for all levels of education in Canada , compared to the international average in OECD countries of 84% .

4. Canada exceeds the international average of OECD countries when it comes to instruction time in the classroom :
- in 2011 the total amount of instruction time at the primary education in Canada was 799 hours compared to the OECD country average of 790 hours
- in 2011 the total amount of instruction time at the the lower secondary level in Canada was 743 hours , compared to the OECD country average of 709 hours
- in 2011 the total amount of instruction time at the upper secondary level in Canada was 747 hours compared to the OECD country average of 664 hours

The PISA study of 2010 published that Canada's students rank the best in the world in reading, mathematics, and science . While the list of what we want and need to accomplish in our schools is still long and will continue to demand our full commitment ,
  I ask you .... are school boards effective ?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I am a Trustee

I am a trustee
I am not a bean counter

But trustees adopt an annual budget for the school system that supports and helps achieves our districts priorities.

I am a trustee
I am not an educator

As a Trustee I play a key role in developing tomorrow’s citizens . We set goals and priorities for the district that achieve provincial education standards, and meet the needs of students .

I am a trustee
 I cannot hire or fire a teacher

Trustees have ONE employee. The School Board Superintendent. And we are responsible for the evaluating, hiring of even the firing of that one individual.

I am a trustee
I do not make any decisions on my own and my vote has the same importance as any other trustee on the board

Trustees need to stay in touch with community stakeholders. Trustees in Red Deer do not represent any one school, neighborhood or community.  Rather, we make decisions based on the needs of the entire district.

I am a trustee
We’re not like other elected officials

As a trustee I help shape the future of local communities by governing the education of young people. The role of the school governor is demanding but very rewarding and is my favorite way to give back to my community.

  I am a trustee
Trustees are not irrelevant

Trustees are locally elected, we represent the voice of the parent, the student and the community regarding education .If school boards ceased to exist we would give away our power to change and to positively impact our children’s educational future.

I have a passion for public education .I am in touch with this community, and I understand and value the role of a trustee.