Tuesday, August 29, 2017

School is starting this week.

I know that phrase is a joy to some and a horror to others. This will be my second year that I have not had to buy back to school supplies, wait in line to change a time table,  pay for a locker , get signed up for newsletters and find out when meet the teacher night is. And the list goes on and on.  It may sound weird but I really miss it. Most of my kids are in post-secondary now and all they need from me to start their school year is some homemade cookies and cash. Even though it has been a few years since I dropped my oldest off at her first day of kindergarten I still remember all those feelings and I treasure them dearly. Here is a great article on how to prepare for the first day of kindergarten , https://www.todaysparent.com/family/how-to-prepare-for-the-first-day-of-kindergarten/ .

What I found funny about this article is that some of the same advice can be used for when your child is entering any new grade. If your child is entering grade 9 in one of our High Schools this may be a big change for them. Visit the school and get familiar with the bus routes. If your child is in middle or high school the advice about helping them make friends may not go over well. Pick your battles carefully folks. It was one thing in elementary school when your child had a friend that was not the best behaved or a bad influence, it’s another when they are in their teens and you may not even know most of their friends. The advice about separation anxiety may be more for the parents that have kids in high school. Remember that even though middle and high school are different than elementary school when it comes to parent involvement those schools still need you. Please get and stay involved. Every school has a school council. Every school is always doing some sort of fund raising. They can only work if parents volunteer. The lovely people you see at the front offices (honestly, they really run the school) can give you any and all the information you need. Bring them a coffee and say thank you. The first few weeks are very stressful for them as well. Each school has a web page. Check it out often. Here is the Red Deer Public School website  http://www.rdpsd.ab.ca/  Our kids sometimes forget to tell us about events coming up. And there is nothing more disappointing than your child going to school on pajama day not in in thier pj’s. 
 I have three kids that attended Red Deer Public schools and they were only in the same school for one year in elementary and one in high school. After that I had two or three different schedules to figure out. Different bus routes and school start times. Different or even worse, the same meet the teacher nights. Yes, I missed a few things. I am far from perfect. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you make mistakes as well.

Even though I miss the first day of school and everything that goes on with that day, I am so very proud of my kids for everything they have accomplished while at Red Deer Public Schools. It gave them the tools to be successful adults for what they are doing right now. So enjoy your first day of school folks. It will a distant memory before you know it.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Welcome to the 2017 election

Let’s start with “Why am I seeking re-election”?
Whether it is a re-election or a first time election , I hope voters are asking every candidate this question.
For me the answer is not a simple one-line answer.  And through this and future blogs I will answer this question. I have had the honor of being a Trustee for the Red Deer Public School District for 14 years. Every year has had different challenges and achievements. But each has had the common thread for me in doing what is best for students, our district and our community.
 The first reason on why I am seeking re-election is because last term the province was deep into Inspiring Education. This was many, many months of consultations and input with education stakeholders. A huge amount of resources was used to achieve the final recommendation along with a new Education Act (to replace the current School Act). Most recommendations were great and our board was looking forward to the new Act being approved at the Legislature. A new government was elected two years ago and the new Minister of Education wanted to take a closer look at the new Act and began his own consultations to gather input. Now we are undergoing curriculum redesign and the new Education Act is no more.

Our Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K–12) provincial curriculum, also known as programs of study, is defined as “what” students are expected to know, understand, and be able to do in each subject and grade. While Alberta Education determines “what” students need to learn in provincial curriculum, teachers use their professional judgement to determine “how” students achieve the learning outcomes in the provincial curriculum.
Feedback from the surveys will help inform the development of K–12 provincial curriculum. This feedback, along with a review of current curriculum, up-to-date research, and a look at what other education systems are doing will help us in this work
Previously, Alberta's curriculum was developed one subject at a time and over different time periods, so there is no common design. To assist teachers in their planning, our work to update curriculum will include changes to design, content and the processes used to develop curriculum
Moving forward, Alberta is developing new provincial curriculum with common principles and standards that guide what will be included in future curriculum. This includes a common design for how curriculum will look with a focus on competencies, literacy and numeracy grounded in subject content (learning outcomes)” {1} From the Alberta Education website https://education.alberta.ca/curriculum-development/what-is-curriculum/?searchMode=3

Our students have changed, our society has changed and our outcomes have changed. So why wouldn’t we change how and what we teach to our kids? Since I have been part of this consultation process for 7+ years with two different governments , I am excited to be part of the  final implementation of the new curriculum to make sure it is best for our students.